Wellness Activities

Community Craft Connections
Mondays 9am- 12pm
Community Craft Connections is a warm group of older women from diverse cultural backgrounds who support one another, share skills in knitting and crochet, share English conversation, cake, make and donate.
Where: Thomastown Library, Lounge Area
When: Mondays 9am- 12pm
Dates: Running weekly during the school terms
Activities: Crochet, knitting, conversation, make and donate projects
Cost: Free
Further Info: 0488 224 439 or manager@tnh.org.au
Arabic Playgroup
Mondays 10am- 12pm
Join Zara from Jeeran Community Services for weekly Arabic Playgroup, where games, stories and songs are shared in Arabic language. Mothers are given the opportunity to develop parenting skills and knowledge in Australia's Early Childhood Education Sector (Free 3 Year Old Kindergarten program).
Where: Thomastown Library, Courtyard and Woodlands Area
When: Mondays 10am- 12pm
Dates: Running weekly during the school terms
Activities: Free Play and playgroup activities
Cost: Free
Further Info: Bookings essential through Zara 0433 545 888 z.alhasany@gmail.com
Let's Move
Mondays 1pm- 2pm
Let's Move provides young adults with disabilities with the opportunity to engage in gentle movement to music in a safe and supportive environment as well as providing respite to carers. Let's Move is also available to older participants living with limited mobility or chronic pain.
Where: TRAC Fitness Room
When: Mondays 1pm- 2pm
Dates: Running weekly during the school terms
Activities: Relaxation, gentle stretching, movement
Cost: Free
Further Info: 0488 224 439 or manager@tnh.org.au

All Seasons
Tuesdays 10am- 12pm
All Seasons provides young adults living with disabilities and their friends, family and carers, with the opportunity to garden, craft, recycle, be creative and connect nature in a supportive setting.
Where: Thomastown Library- Maker Space
When: Tuesdays 10am- 12pm
Who: For young adults with disabilities and carers
Dates: Running weekly during the school terms
Activities: Nature Craft, gardening, recycling and listening to music
Cost: Free
Further Info: 0488 224 439 or manager@tnh.org.au
Everyday English
Tuesdays 10am- 1pm
PRACE's Free Everyday English Class celebrates the lived experiences of the participants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and provides essential language skill development and conversations around contemporary Australian culture.
Where: TNH Room- Thomastown Library
When: Tuesdays 10am- 1pm
Eligibility: Participants require bridging Visas E & F, Temporary Protection Visa, SHEV or Permanent Residency
Dates: 30th Jan- 15th December
Activities: English Conversation, Grammar, Reading and Writing
Cost: Free
Registrations and Further information: please call PRACE on 9462 6077 or email office@prace.vic.gov.au

Mindful Meditation
Wednesdays 10am- 11am
Mindful Meditation provides our ageing community members with limited mobility or living with chronic pain, the opportunity to experience a gentle guided meditation in a safe and supportive space. Please note, this class is also suitable for people living with disabilities or anyone experiencing depression, social isolation or loneliness.
Where: TNH Room, Thomastown Library
When: Wednesdays 10.00am- 11.00am
Dates: Running weekly during the school terms.
Cost: Free
Activities: Enjoy a relaxing and well supported, guided meditation
Movement: Please note, you will be seated on chairs or can choose to sit on the ground, whatever suits your ability.
Further Info: 0488 224 439 or manager@tnh.org.au
Friendship Cafe
11am- 12pm
Following Mindful Meditation, join fellow community members to connect over a cup of coffee. Friendship Cafe provides a supportive environment for community members who might be experiencing depression, lonliness or social isolation.
Where: Coffee Lounge, Thomastown Library
When: Wednesdays 11.00am- 12pm
Dates: Running weekly during the school terms.
Cost: Free
Activities: Coffee, conversation and mindful creative activities (optional)
Further Info: 0488 224 439 or manager@tnh.org.au

Promisetown Playgroup
Thursdays 10am- 12pm
Promisetown Playgroup provides a safe space for women and children to play, grow and learn. Enjoy making new friends in this diverse group where multiculturalism is celebrated and many languages are spoken. Families from across the City of Whittlesea travel to attend this unique playgroup where friendships are forged and our local community is strengthened. Parents and Grandparents can access social services such as 'Services Australia', 'First Steps', 'Orange Door' and City of Whittlesea Early Years Team, who provide valuable support to local multicultural families to build parenting capacity, financial capacity and stronger families.
Where: Thomastown Library
On warm and dry days: Library Courtyard (outside)
On cold or wet days: Children's Area (inside)
When: 10.00am- 12.00pm
Dates: Running weekly during the school terms
Activities: Free Play, Children's Songs and make new friends!
Cost: Free
Further Info: 0488 224 439 or manager@tnh.org.au

Little Diggers
Thursdays 3.30pm- 5pm
'Little Diggers' invites local families to gather, play and grow together. Each week, Little Diggers provides creative craft activities and movement based games for children (eg: hide and seek, duck- duck- goose, grandmothers footsteps, charades etc.) in the safe space of the Library, Library Courtyard and Woodlands Area. Parents and grandparents of many different cultures are provided with the chance to connect while the TNH volunteer team keep the kids off their screens and encourage creative play.
Please note, children must be accompanied by a carer (16+)
Where: Thomastown Library- Maker Space & Courtyard
When: Thursdays 3.30pm- 5pm
Dates: Running weekly during the school terms
Activities: Art Play, Fairy Gardens & Games!
Cost: Free
Further Info: 0488 224 439 or manager@tnh.org.au

Women's Painting Circle
Fridays 11.30am- 1pm
Our Women's Painting Circle' provides a safe space for women to support women, through a shared creative activity. Lead by visual artist Annie, our Women's Circle is a chance to sit in a creative space, talk and participate in painting and creative activities for self reflection and healing. Women's Circle is also recommended for women who might be experiencing mental health challenges, social isolation or loneliness. Please consult with a TNH team member if you feel unsafe at home or if you need social support.
Dates: Running Weekly during school terms
Where: Thomastown Library, Children's Area
When: Every Friday, 11am- 12.30pm
Cost: Free
Further Info: 0488 224 439 or manager@tnh.org.au