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  • Writer's pictureVictoria

A moment of peace


The first thing I do every morning is open all the blinds and the back door and then water the plants. I'm awake before the kids today so I take the opportunity to sit on the swing in the backyard and drink a cuppa tea.

I'm really concerned about how everyone's mental health will fare once we are in absolute crisis mode. Already I am seeing friends struggling with anxiety from the saturation of COVID19 news. I'm seeing so many people with allergies struggle to find safe foods from limited supplies at the supermarkets. I'm worried for myself because self isolation with two young kids is no easy gig!

I am clinging to the pleasure of small routines and rituals such as watering the plants. I know these little things will help me keep centred as the crisis rises.

Today, Tasmania announced that they are closing their borders and any people arriving from overseas or interstate will have to self isolate for 14 days on arrival. My sister's partner lives in Tasmania and she flies over regularly from Melbourne to visit. She tells me it will probably be at least three months before they can see each other again.

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