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  • Writer's pictureVictoria

Childcare and Family Care Services

There are so many illogical gaps in the stage 3 restrictions. I understand it's about risk minimisation, not risk elimination however long Day-Care Services & Early Childhood Education Centres have not been mandated to shut (at this time of my writing this).

Children can play and socialise in groups at their Day-Care Centre.

They cannot play at their local playground, as all playgrounds are shut.

They cannot play at each other's houses as social visits have been outlawed.

They cannot participate in "bush kinder" programs (program that’s run outdoors in a natural environment).

Children can interact with their Educators (i.e. adults not in their family home).

They cannot go visit their extended family-relatives if they live in a different house.

They cannot visit patients in hospital or attend their sibling's appointments.

School-holidays were bought forward, effectively closing schools.

Day-Care Centres remain open, despite 5-year-old kids (and under 5) being notoriously grubby having no concept of social distancing. The children can play near each other all day. But their families must physically distance themselves from kids, educators and other families at drop off and pick up time.

It was conveyed that children do not get sick from Covid-19? However, this rationale completely ignores the fact that their Educators could contract Covid-19… consequently spreading the Virus. More recently, babies and children have been presenting unwell with Covid-19, debunking earlier reports.

Educators are horribly underpaid and undervalued and now they seem to be sacrificial lambs in the pursuit of keeping families at work. Childcare workers are stuck.

There are families who cannot work from home (whose work is not shutting down) who rely on Day-Care Centres operating. There are families pulling their children out of Day-Care because they can no longer afford, it or deem it too risky to keep their kids there.

In either scenario, Educators are getting the short end of the stick as they are at high risk of contracting Covid-19 and/or being out of a job. Both situations are beyond the control of families and need decisive Governmental leadership to rectify.

There is a Federal Cabinet Meeting (immanently pending) on Early Childhood Education and Family Care services. I wait for a well thought out and funded strategy … please do something!


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