Get Involved
Volunteer at Thomastown Neighbourhood House
We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with our work here at Thomastown Neighbourhood House. There are many ways for you to get involved: working on the coffee cart, assisting at the Makers Space, giving your time to the Committee of Management, working on policy, or at an event.
Volunteer Your Time
"Research has shown that people who volunteer live longer." Allen Klein
This is the easiest way to get involved in Thomastown Neighbourhood House. There are volunteering roles from the committee of management to working on the coffee cart, at events like the markets working in the library garden or tutoring a class. If you have a skill and would like to share it please contact us.
We are currently looking for people to join our Board of Governance. Would you like to bring your skills and learn new ones? We would love to hear from you. More information here.

Make a Donation to the Food Bank
"No act of kindness, however small, is wasted." Aesop
You can drop into the library at any time it is open and leave dry goods, tins, packets biscuits, personal hygiene products such as soap, shampoo and conditioner. Unfortuneately, we do not accept any fresh food.